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Guise Bule

Well said !

Quite bravely said as well, despite 'fat cats' and their bonuses dominating the media recently, there seems to be far too much tolerance for these peoples mistakes.

As you say, being an entrepeneur has its own rewards, but failing in what you set out to do does not earn you any of them.

It is shameful that the businesses engaged in employing the kind of people who blunder from one stratgeic failure to another continue to reward failure and the reputations of the people involved remain intact.

I know what would happen to my reputation if I failed in my current business, if anything that acts upon me in such a way that I seek to excel in what I do and give everything my best shot.

Quite how rewarding people for failure motivates those who come after them to perform I have no idea. Shame on them.

Rohan Badenhorst

This is one of the great paradoxes in economic man's / woman's life.

Like the 'paradox of thrift' or the 'paradox of scale'.

The 'paradox of participation' is what I'll call this one:

Those that help shape the rules of the market system somehow are not measured by the same yardstick. This is the classic 'Moral Hazard' scenario and I agree, part of the problem is not aligning Enterprise Performance with Divisional Performance with Business Unit Performance with Team Performance with Individual Performance. This has to be an unbroken chain joined from the bottom up, starting at the individual and ending at the enterprise level and then linking back again. A virtual chain of Value Creation, Value Management and Value Measurement.

At the end of the day, if the enterprise is insolvent, it does not matter that business unit X or Y or Z achieved a magnificent result (read here RBS), the entire enterprise is still at risk.

Refer to my comments is:


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